Image from Tsutomu Nihei’s Blame!, via this twitter post.

F.G. Meanie here. Welcome to Meanie Says, a blog where I think a lot about stories, philosophy, and ideology, all through the framework of manga reviews.

Topics I Hope to Cover:

  • Genre analysis for:
    • Battle shōnen;
    • Action more generally;
    • Science fiction;
    • Fantasy;
    • Horror, and;
    • Slice of life romance;
  • Philosophy and some loose Spinozism;
  • Breakdowns of story themes, messages, ideology, and portrayals;
    • Whether the author intended them or not, and;
    • What that difference could mean;
  • Experimental reading strategies for story “failures”;
  • Discussion of fight choreography, martial arts, and power systems;
  • Case studies connecting overall world building, plot, and character;
  • Strategies in page layout, composition, and style;
  • Reviews where I’m saddened by the popularity of series I dislike, and:
    • The reasons I’m right about it, also;
    • Why your fave is mediocre, also;
    • Why your takes are cold;
  • And more!

I’m very open to suggestions. Any contribution to this project in good faith is welcomed with open arms. Let me know if you want me to cover a subject not listed above!

My Rating System

I say this on my Anilist page, but I will say it here as well:

In theory I use the full scale from 1 to 10 but if it’s below a 4.5 I’ve likely dropped it (or pushed myself to read it for specific reasons). Here’s a short description of the milestones of my ranking scale:

  • 1: I had trouble getting through the first chapter, and likely didn’t read further.
  • 2.5: I found it mainly bad with some redeeming qualities, and as you can tell, I probably still dropped it.
  • 5: It was equal parts bad and good, or generally lackluster and mediocre.
  • 7.5: An enjoyable read with noticeable flaws that didn’t keep me from liking it overall. Or, it can also be a series that has my opinion split, with a high ceiling and a low floor.
  • 10: I couldn’t think of a way to improve it even if I tried, a.k.a. Yotsuba and Haikyuu tier.

Recent Manga Reviews and Analyses